HR-Fit Pro

Willing and Able – Suggestion attribute:

Start to Finish. The ability to develop thoughts/ideas and propose sequential process solutions to resolve constraints.

Suggestions enable employees to take ownership of problem-solving, fostering a positive work environment and facilitating professional development.

Incomplete suggestions are usually not acted upon until someone is motivated to evaluate the pros and cons. Be mindful of the stakeholder’s potential resistance to change and external ideas. We must explain our thoughts on “why” the “gatekeepers” should take the time and prioritize limited precious organizational resources to get it done.

A good suggestion should be well thought out, relevant to the team’s goals and objectives, and offer a potential solution to a problem or improvement to a process. It should be presented clearly, concisely, constructively, and positively, with supporting evidence or data to support the suggestion. It should include a commitment to the team’s success and our willingness to contribute to its continuous improvement.